Vernissage : Extra Végétalia 2 by Gwénola Carrère
Exhibition & new print collection 24.05-12.07.2024
////Vernissage 6th June 19-22H
Two years ago we were already making plans for the exhibition of the second part of Extra Vegetalia. Today we not only made an exhibition but also a print collection dedicated to Gwenola’s book. Come and see the a selection of 30 beautiful originals illustrations ! All drew, painted and coloured by hand! Let’s celebrate 4 year of Gwénola's work with a drink and a Plantastik DJ set!
Collection Risoprints A3 of Extra Vegetalia available only in Grafik.
About the book & exhibition, Extra Végétalia 2:
“Les portes du royaume Végétalia se réouvrent : entrons. Les fleurs se déploieront sur notre passage et les arbres soulèveront leurs lourdes branches chargées de fruits miraculeux. Nous pourrons nous avancer sur un sentier qui traverse la jungle pour déboucher sur la Cité Idéale. Construite par les femmes éclairées qui peuplent la planète, elle offre à ses habitantes le support d’une vie en société épousant les contours de l’équilibre et de l’harmonie. Librement inspiré du roman féministe Herland de Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1915), Gwénola Carrère clôture un conte fantastique hanté par architectes fantômes du Bauhaus, de l’Art Nouveau et du groupe Memphis. Salué par une importante couverture médiatique et l’adhésion immédiate des libraires, Extra Végétalia (partie 1) avait gagné le coeur de nombreux lecteurs. On retrouve dans cette seconde partie les personnages de l’homme qui a chuté, de la femme qu’il cherche et on parcourt jusqu’à sa fin le fil de ce récit merveilleux qui fait de nous des enfants perdus.”
About Gwenola:
Gwénola Carrère was born in 1977 in Geneva, Switzerland, to French parents. Her passion for the French-speaking world of Europe brought her to Brussels at a young age to study illustration and then screen printing. Her work as an illustrator has given her posters and album covers, notably for the independent label Okraina, as well as images for the Belgian, French, English and American press and for magazines and collectives such as Nobrow, Taschen, Dada magazine and XXI. In 2012 she co-directed a short animated film, La chute, as part of the Laboratoire d'images produced by Canal+, which was selected for several festivals (as they say in French-speaking Europe). She has so far published 5 children's books with publishers such as Thierry Magnier and Albin Michel. But she has also ventured into comics, with her first short story in 2014, La porte de l'amour, in a collection published by Oogachtend, and also in the book-disc 'Elpmas' (Moondog) revisited published by Ici d'Ailleurs, Murailles Music and Super Loto Éditions in 2018. In addition to her work as an illustrator, she has been teaching illustration at the St-Luc Art school in Brussels since 2007.
The book is wordless
Feel free to bring your own food.
Drinks only from our bar.
Location :
Avenue Louis Bertrand 30
1030 Brussels
find us on insta-tiktok-facebook-linkedn
Tram 7 and 92
Bus 59, 66